Generate AI digital humans for video, broadcasts, and brand promotion, reaching a global audience with a personal touch.
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Generate AI digital humans for video, broadcasts, and brand promotion, reaching a global audience with a personal touch.
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Digital Human Spokesperson: Utilizing AI technology to generate AI digital humans capable of video production, online broadcasting, etc., to promote businesses for users.
Global Live Streaming Service: Providing online live streaming services covering a global audience through language translation, offering a wider range of services and interactions.
Personalized Training: Utilizing AI training mechanisms to turn AI digital humans into experts, such as Solis Network AI investment advisor experts.
Blockchain Identity Authentication: Utilizing blockchain's decentralized identity verification to ensure the security and trustworthiness of AI digital human identities, allowing users to securely verify and manage identities through the blockchain.
NFT Technology Application: Through non-fungible token technology, users can own unique AI digital human tokens, realizing the authenticity and scarcity of digital humans.